Safe Schools

Forest Park Public School

2024-2025 Safe and Inclusive School Planlearning triangle

Our school is committed to providing all students and staff with a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment free from bullying and harassment that promotes respect, acceptance, and empathy.

Our staff, students, parents, and community will work together as a team to help make our school safe and welcoming for everyone.

Key Priorities and Goals

Ensuring Positive Learning Environments
  • This year we are focusing on providing classroom and school opportunities to create a culture that fosters belonging, inclusion and respect. 
  • We are doing this to ensure students, staff and families feel included, respected, and involved.
 Throughout the year, we will:
  • Provide family and community members an opportunity to be involved in the school community.
  • Recognize, celebrate, and educate all families in the school community.
  • Proving leadership opportunities for students. Recognizing students for being ‘Caught Being Awesome’.

Key Actions or Strategies

  • Create equity by ensuring everyone has what they need.
  • Provide opportunities for all students (i.e., assemblies, clubs, sports teams, band, café night).
  • Highlight days of importance on announcements.

Community and Home Connections

  • Ask your child about what leadership role they have taken on or how they are an active member of the Forest Park community.
  • School partnerships with community partners (i.e., Ambulance/Fire Station)
  • Parents/Guardians and Community members encouraged to participate in School Council.
  • Research other cultures and discuss how they are similar and different to yours.
  • Check out this website for a list of holidays/special days celebrated across Thames Valley families and schools.

